Research vs. Reality in #Barefoot #Running #InjuryFreeRunning

rightway to run

As an Exercise Physiologist, research, statistics, probabilities etc. were drilled into me by my research advisers. “If the data were not definitive, it’s impossible to reach a conclusion one way or the other” was the mantra preached consistently throughout my formal education.

With the so-called onslaught of the ‘barefoot running’ movement (which, by the way, existed centuries ago!), my research colleagues have been reticent to make bold statements re: the merits of running barefoot vs. in the ‘coffins’ manufactured by the running shoe conglomerates.

I, on the other hand, have no qualms about stating categorically that running barefoot CORRECTLY prevents all the ‘itis’ & related injuries caused by the imbalance promoted when wearing ‘coffins’. Having trained hundreds of people ages 7 to 70 in the squat-scoot style of mid-foot barefoot running without injury, I do NOT need ‘irrefutable’ scientific data to backĀ  my claim. Here’s to the ‘coffin’ manufacturers waking up!

coach jeff

TRAIN WITH COACH JEFF for #InjuryFreeRunning, find an upcoming clinic at

Transitioning to #Barefoot #Running Coach Jeff’s Way


I find that the transition to barefoot running for those growing up in shoes is exceedingly difficult. Of course, if this IS the case, you ask, why would ANYONE from countries where shoes are worn basically 100% of the time even consider running BAREFOOT? I get this constantly thrown at me from family members, friends, running colleagues and the sports rehabilitation specialists. The only people who NEVER question my running barefoot are those from countries where going barefoot is the NORM. They grow up walking, running and playing barefoot and continue as such throughout their lives.

The reasons are quite simple and basic:

  • no foot pain, bunions, tendonitis etc.
  • perfect balance from the ankles up
  • perfect posture which means no knee, hip, back, shoulder pain
  • proprioceptive firing and direct sensory feedback from the feet to all other areas of the body
  • few if any illnesses that plague the ‘coffin’ (shoe)Ā  wearers such as influenza, chest colds, bronchitis etc.
  • better resistance to bacterial-causing infections

Any one of the above reasons would be enough for me to consider learning how to best transition to barefoot running. Having said that, I find that there are a few key drills that need to be done from the outset. They are all done barefoot at least 3 times per week and should not take more than 20 minutes of your valuable time. They are as follows:

  1. toe raises
  2. heel raises
  3. ankle flexion
  4. ankle extension
  5. hip drops from a step
  6. knee bends from a step
  7. full body brace 1-legged 1/2 squat
  8. running on the spot
  9. 1-legged hopping on the spot
  10. fall forward and land on mid-foot with knees kept bent

These are what I call the ‘Basic 10’. Doing them as recommended above will give you a strong base, get your feet acclimated to the challenge of going barefoot and discipline you to brace against the downward pull of gravity. This results in a safer, more efficient transition to barefoot running. The next set of progressions will be presented in a future blog.

When you dare to take the path less traveled,Ā  you ALWAYS come out ahead!

coach Jeff

Go to or and contact coach Jeff to arrange 1-on-1 coaching and/or group sessions.

How to Significantly Decrease the Impact Force of #Running #InjuryFreeRunning

heel-strike barefoot running

Heel Striking vs Mid-Foot Striking Whether Barefoot Running or NOT

In an article that appeared in the New York Times on October 16. 2013, Gretchen Reynolds highlighted a research study on heel versus mid-foot striking in runners. The study was done by researchers at the Tampere Research Centre of Sports Medicine in Tampere, Finland. It was published in the June, 2013 edition of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. The researchers matched 19 mid-foot striking female runners with an equal number of female heel strikers and measured the amount of force the women generated with each foot strike AND where that force was hitting the body hardest.

The heel strikers, not surprisingly, jarred their knees, generating 16% more force through the knees than the mid-foot strikers. The elevated forces were most evident along the kneecaps and inside area of the knees where most so-called running ‘overuse’ injuries appear.

On the other hand, the mid-foot strikers’ legs were also prone to excessive impact force, with 20% more shock force traveling through the ankles and Achilles tendons than the heel strikers.

Basically, the study concluded that you cannot escape the cumulative impact of running – no matter how you stride. The study leader, Juha-Pekka Kulmala (PhD.), said that, based on the study’s findings,Ā  there is no one correct and painless way to run. The best running form is thus any that keeps you moving regularly.

As a barefoot runner and barefoot running coach, I tend to disagree with the study’s summation.

From my experience and use of the Squat-Scoot method of barefoot-midfoot running, there definitely IS a safe, efficient way to run. The key component of my work with runners of all ages and abilities is getting them to BRACE against the downward pull of GRAVITY. Before my runners even venture out on a run of any distance, they learn how to land lightly with minimal ground contact time.

“This significantly decreases the impact force”, taking most of the stress away from the ankles, knees, hips, and back whilst activating the running muscles (feet, calves, hamstrings, gluteals, quadriceps).

Again, from my coaching of runners over the past 25 years, landing more forward before lightly touching down on the heels prior to push-off results in injury-free, efficient, powerful running…without exception!

In conclusion, I do not particularly care what you put on (or do NOT put on) your feet to run. I DO care that you run tight, light, compact and forward to ensure safe, avoidable injury-free running.

Oh…I’m still waiting for someone in the research community to study 100% pure barefoot versus shod runners to determine which is the better way for the majority.

Coach JeffĀ 

Go to or e-mail coach Jeff at to join one of myĀ clinics or book a private training session.

#Barefoot Coach assists injured #Runners Around the World


With each passing week, especially over the past year, I have been getting phone calls and e-mails from injured runners desperate for help.

These are adults who are new to running, adults who are ‘veteran’ runners and parents of youngsters who WANT to run but get no specific coaching in school or at their track club as to HOW to run safely.

Interestingly, they want to know about the merits of running barefoot.

Almost without exception, those contacting me have developed what I call ‘avoidable itis’ running injuries. Without exception, they have been running in ‘coffins’ (standard running shoes) or minimalist footwear (which I call ‘mini-coffins’!). They have NOT been taught HOW to run safely and efficiently no matter what IS or ISN’T on their feet.

I finally felt it was time to put a blog out about the plethora of calls I get from people begging for solutions to their running injury challenges.

Here are a few examples of comments I receive:

“You are the 5th running coach that I’ve contacted BUT the 1st who has stressed the need to work one-on-one together.”Ā  (I know, this sounds unbelievable!)

“My daughter actually loves to run but gets no technical running advice at her school nor her track club.” (I know, just let the kids run!)

“My son gets injured (IT-Band pain, runner’s knee pain, foot & heel pain) at the start of every cross country running season. Please help him run injury-free.” (I know, they are only teachers or volunteers who do the ‘coaching’)

“I’ve tried going to minimalist shoes or barefoot; heck, even a combination of the two and still get all kinds of Achilles Tendon problems. Nobody seems to help me overcome this.”

These are but a few examples.

In virtually every case, I am able to shift the ‘injured’ runner to safe, efficient, injury-free running within 45 minutes to 1 hour of ‘face to face’ evaluation and training.

Even those too far away to meet with me personally benefit from my blog posts and social media interaction. From there, we fine tune technique, lock in muscle-memory, practice PERFECTLY on a regular basis and build to more powerful running. However, the essence of the shift is made within the 1st hour of our work together. My commitment to the Squat-Scoot style of mid-foot running and the 4 pillars of safe running (tight, light, compact, forward) makes the difference.

Running barefoot only reinforces the power of sensory feedback through the feet, proprioceptive firing from the feet through the whole body and muscle memory of the importance of total body bracing.

The youth in my current Team Over The Top clinic (ages 8 to 18) that is in Week 3 have already progressed to quiet, low, efficient running with NO injuries. They are running from 4 to 8 kilometres at sub-5 minutes per kilometre and we still have 6 weeks left in the clinic. Many are already going barefoot on the track and all of them run the drills barefoot in the gym and track infield…no injuries, no complaints, simply faster and technically better running.

To all the coaches, parents, runners, ‘coffin shoe’ companies…what I do is NOT rocket science. It IS science BUT any of you can transform into effective proponents of SAFE, INJURY-FREE running. You simply need to make the commitment!

Coach Jeff

Contact Coach Jeff for one-on-one, group or team coaching via

Also, register for a current clinic via myĀ website atĀ


Ask the Coach #InjuryFreeRunning


I’m extending an invitation to one & all to fire away with questions for Coach Jeff regarding:

  • Transitioning to so-called ‘minimalist’ or, better yet, barefoot running
  • GymĀ drills for barefoot/mid-foot running
  • Proprioceptive stimulation
  • Synergistic muscle support for safe running

and any other associated topic.

This is your opportunity to partake in a dialogue with one of the foremost barefoot running coaches in Canada.

Sharing ideas often leads to solutions!

use orĀ  FacebookĀ  orĀ  TwitterĀ  Ā or leave a comment below.

Coach Jeff Ā  Ā #InjuryFreeRunning



#Barefoot #Science Inserts – What’s the Deal?? #InjuryFreeRunning


Humans are basically lazy – especially 21st Century humans!

We simply look for the easy way to do everything. With the explosion of social media, the easy, fast, sedentary way of doing everything has taken over the majority of humans’ daily ‘actions’.

As a result, something as difficult & physically challenging as running barefoot safely, efficiently & powerfully is beyond the scope of most humans. The barefoot science technology ( has been around for 22 years BUT is just recently gaining a foot-hold (pardon the pun!) in the medical & physical fitness realms.

Quite simply, the system works as an ongoing stimulus for the nerves firing from the foot arch. This in turn activates the muscles in the foot which in turn stimulate blood-flow, improve balance, take pressure off joints – well, you get the picture.

It’s the lazy person’s answer to barefoot training, running, exercising etc. The results in a # of research studies re: the benefits of the graded pad inserts are impressive. Thus, for those who run barefoot or (God forbid, in ‘minimalist’ shoes or coffins), these are a perfect corollary to fit inside your work &/or dress shoes as well as your hockey skates, rugby & soccer cleats etc.

Many of my athletes & business clients have shifted from ‘cement- encasing’ orthotics to the barefoot scienceĀ inserts with consistently better results re: low back pain, ‘itis’ injuries etc. Check them out on-line; they are available for purchase there & in various retail outlets (such as Runner’s Mark in Port Credit, Ont., Canada).

Here’s to ending your needless soft tissue pain…!

In the meantime, contact the coach @ to book in a private training session, a seminar or workshop orĀ  join a running clinic.

Stay tight & low…

Coach Jeff

JOIN COACH JEFF for an upcoming clinic and enjoyĀ !